Friday, September 4, 2009


In the year 2004, on 24th of october, at Utrecht central station, took part first in the world demonstration dedicated to nothing.
Few students from HKU, gethered to protest and to spread the word of nothing.
the idea in origin came from student at HKU: Michael Klinkenberg.
there was only this demonstration and the movement didnt continue to exist for longer time.
As a participant in that first demonstation, I give myself right to continue the idea and the movement. I think it is important to continue this movment!
What I personally want to express with this idea is that :
mainly people of all classes and all kindes are often against or for something.
It is our human nature to agree or disagree with things outside and inside of ourselves.
this kind of impulses in my point of view are more then 70% irrational, unexplaineble emotions which we are trying to rationalize.
for example: there is nothing we could do about situation in politics, global warming, wars ect. I mean we cant help natural flow to be changed by voting, by separating garbage, arguing with friends about china or taste of architects in united arab emirates.
but the main thing we all forget is that we are under influence of greater forces, which are impossible for us to understand. like, planet influences from our solar system, unconscious forces, development of univers and so on...
and there is very little we can do about it.
all powerfull polititions or regular citizens are under this influence. we just do what we are supposed to do, we are foreced to do so, we are forced by nothing.

and all of us have rationalized idea why we belive in certain things and why we act according to them. we have this right and power to be aginst or for something, but looking at it closer, not so subjectiv, its not so difficalt to see that behind our notions stands nothing.

so I want to start once again active movment, which can include all social representatives, against and for nothing.
first aim is to find places chareged with magnetism, sort of gravitation points on surface of city.( for example: "admiralbrücke" in Berlin.) I want to gather together people who fully understand the idea of nothingness.

I need more people who are interested in this idea, to develope it to make it happend. people who will take this idea also with humor!!! so that we could orginize it together and get publicity to let all know that we are driven by nothing and this nothing is as real as anything else 8)

Teady the saint Bear

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